Turning 4 - in a warehouse!
It's find it so hard to believe that we are 4 years old. I keep recounting the years to make sure that we have counted correctly.
It feels a bit like being a 4 yr old kid I think, though I don't really remember that far back. I imagine there's a lot of bravado, because we think we're pretty clever, walking and talking and so able to run fast! Yet there are times when we still get things wrong and look at the big kids being able to play on the monkey bars and ride a bike and we so want to be them!
For our 4th year celebrations we did something we have not done before, we had a celebration. We patted ourselves on the back and had a little party. It's not every day that your little store is 4 yrs old!
As we are in a new warehouse we thought it would be fun to have the party there, even though it is Melbourne...in the middle of winter....and the warehouse has no heating. Good thing Melbourne people are used to the cold. (we did hire a heater too - not totally crazy)
Follow the arrows and find your way!
Head down the corridor to the party area. We are right down the end of a loooong corridor, which is great for keeping the space warm and making it cosy.
Balloons always make a space feel ready to party!
A party is not a party until some friends come to visit! We had a small group of friend and family come to help us to enjoy this milestone.
Not sure what I was doing - no doubt it was something very important! xx
And of course it's not a part without some sugar.
And a take home bit of extra sugar!
Before we knew it it was time to go home. So of course we took some balloons home for Lucas.