Party Bag Gift Ideas

Send them home with a Party Bag full of fun not Plastic.

We have a range of fabulous, fun ideas to help you to fill the party bag with useful, fun toys that the kids will enjoy and use.

A great way to keep the party fun going.

An eco friendly party bag tip -

Use a simple paper bag for the party bag. 

You or your child can add the friends name to the front of the bag, and then decorate them before the big party day.   Use texta's, stickers or stamps to add colour and personality.

Personalised, fun and this is a great way to build the excitement around their party while doing something creative.

54 products

Party bag gifts
Wooden yo yo's, spinning tops or stickers. Lots of fun for a party bag without the sugar!

Send your guests away with a classic toy and something fun to play with.

On a budget? Spit the stickers pages, or buy a product that can be divided, like pom poms and add a set of tongs.  Create a small parts play set.