Sensory toys

The five senses are so important, encourage their sense of wonder as babies and as the kids grow.. The senses are how we interact with the world, and how we play.

With a large range of sensory toys for kids, we believe it's all about learning and fun. Is it soft, is it hard?  From plush toys to games for matching different textures, we have sensory toys they will enjoy.

320 products

sensory toys


Toys that encourage all the senses, sight, sound, touch, smell and taste.

Sensory toys help stimulate and help to build toddlers senses naturally while they play. 

 Fidget Toys, Calm Down bottles,  toys to touch, roll, shake and enjoy.  

Some brands include Fat Brain toys, Dolce toys, Wild Dough playdough, Jellystone and Yellow Door. And don't forget the musical toys too.