5 Reasons you should play POKEMON GO with your kids

Pokemon GO


1 - It's a great way to spend time with your kids.  People are saying - I don't have time for this new craze!  Hogwash.  The stories we hear are of people walking for hours are the extremes. You can turn it on and play for 5 minutes before dinner.  You can walk to school while hunting Pokemons.  You can hunt Pokemons in your house. 

Pokemon GO at home

He's the first one to use this Treadmill for a while!  

2 - It takes 5 minutes to learn.  Unlike so many other games this game is quick to download and learn. How many parents have tried to learn Minecraft? Hours later....I still don't know how to do half of it.  You will understand Pokemon Go and be playing before your cup of tea gets cold.  Not a lot of rules and skill levels to achieve means you wont always be the losing car on the track.  I for one am a little sick of hearing 'Good try Mummy - 6th isn't bad!'


3 -  Doing something that your kids love...that you wont hate!  It's why the Pixar animated movies are so great!  The adults don't have to go see the movies wishing like heck they could secretly turn on an episode of orange is the new black on their phones.  When you love it as much as the kids do it's something you have in common and it's less of a chore.


4 -  You get outside!  Always a great thing.  You go for a walk, they go for a walk. 10,000 steps will come quickly and we chatted to other locals in the park, not sure how long this will last but people are Pokemon GO-ing everywhere!   OK it's not entirely unplugged but there is a lot of time with this activity where you are walking around and 'hunting'.  Which gives you time to talk and interact with the kids.  

Pokemon GO in the park

This is not a staged photo!  Half way through the hunt we stopped for an old fashioned play in the park! 


5 - Safety in numbers.   It's not a joke that people are walking into trouble while playing this game. When you spot a Pokemon your attention is on the screen.  I almost walked into a pole and Lucas was often ready to walk straight onto the road.  ( we are in a very quiet street but it was very scary!) 


I love Pokemon GO as a fun way to play with the kids.  It's really like anything, in moderation it's a great idea. I don't have time to do 3 hours of hunting a day....but a 10 minute walk., that's fabulous. 


Have you tried it yet?  My Poke Ball keeps going off to the right...need to practice my aim!  

- Vroom



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