Why we are Closed Wednesdays
There was a study done last year that says a 4 day work week is more productive than people going to work 5 days a week. Some work places are implementing it as a standard.
I did my own little study last year, for 2 months we closed the warehouse (the garage) every Wednesday. Did you notice?
It was really successful and we are doing it again. Here's why -
When I tell people we will be closed Wednesdays the first question is always - 'Why Wednesday?'
It was a process of elimination, driven by you, the customer. If you're not a customer then go buy something! Join the club. I'll even put a link for you.
Anyway, back to why.
Being an online store, we are always busy on a Monday, and then Fridays are our most popular day for collection when people do Click and Collect.
So no long weekends for me, which is ok, I enjoy my mini break.
Being closed Wednesday also means we will get your order out with minimal delay, which is one of my favourite things.
FREE Click and Collect from our Yarraville Warehouse.
The Garage will be closed Wednesdays. No orders will be packed or sent.
There will still be work going on. I will be working from home.
You have to work on the business not just in the business.
This is a well known quote that many business coaches use. It's all over socials and in sales pitches because it is true.
So Wednesdays will be a chance for me to work ON my business.
A chance to create amazing offers, source beautiful products and recharge my battery to bounce into work every day.
He's not this little anymore.
I'm not a fan of the word balance in the context of work and life - I love balancing toys and I really need to work on my physical balance....but work and life..I think they complement rather than balance. Maybe my scales in that equation are broken.
In my little experiment last year, with Wednesdays off, I found that you, our fabulous customers, were not overly affected by the change. ( Did you notice? ) and my mental health was so much better.
Having time to rest, plan and play is so important. Not just for a Toy store, and not just for a Small Business.
OK - I'm putting it down in black and white. You are my witness, and my accountability buddies. Feel free to message me and ask if it's happening.
My plan has a few segments, Wednesdays will be split between -
Time doing Home Admin, to allow myself more weekend time to enjoy the kid that is growing too fast and will soon be gone.
Time working on the Business. Big ticket things that I need to spend hours doing and no toys to distract me! (wish me luck)
Volunteering. It's so tough out there, I am going to volunteer, to do my bit to fix what I can. Not sure yet what that will be yet, I have some ideas. Something grass roots and local.
I am so thankful to all our customers. Thank you for supporting us, for playing on socials, for sharing us with your friends. For coming back again and again!
We have the BEST customers.
Thank you for understanding and reading this long post.
When I thought about writing this I thought it was a bit self indulgent, to explain my day off. Then I realised, it effects you! One of the cool things about buying from a small business is knowing the person you are buying from. Supporting a family and a person. I'm grateful that you choose me.
Thank you for 12 years of business.
We're working on being around for 12 more years! Wonder what that will look like. Flying Cars? Drone Deliveries?
Lots of love