We love Instagram ( are you following us? - click here to view our feed.)

I am possibly on Instagram a little bit more than I need to be, but - um - beautiful stuff! It's such a great form of escape, until I get depressed because my life is not as beautiful as the pictures that other people are posting!  Sometimes though, you get to glimpse the reality, and see something that resonates with your life.

So, one evening I saw that TheMummyCode  was having problems getting the kids to sit down in the bath, especially her little Miss S, who liked to dance and stand all through bath time.  Sound familiar?  

We have the answer!   I suggested she needed our fabulous BATH FUN pack, either the Traffic or the Dinosaurs.  We love them, you love them, I was certain that she would love them too.


 Bath tub fun


You know - she went straight to the computer and she ordered the Dinosaurs. that's because she's a clever Mamma who knows a little bit of distraction can work wonders.

We sent the package and the next thing I know she is posting a pic of the kids happily playing in the bath.  Sitting on their little bottoms. 


 Dinosaur Bath fun


Isn't that just the best reason to buy something for your kids.  They are safer, happier, and mum doesn't have to keep saying 'sit down'! 


Bath squirters


We love that our products can help Mums to have a better (easier) experience, whether it's convincing the kids to eat from a pretty plate, or toys in the bath.  Toys are great for the kids, and sometimes a gift is also great for Mum too. ( or Dad when he's doing bath time.)

We love seeing your pictures and hearing how your little ones are using and playing with our products.

 If you're on Instagram just TAG us #lucaslovescars, and while you're there, we suggest you look up  the mummy code.

Vroom Vroom 

- Helle.

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