PLAY DATE with.... Lucas

Hello there, I have wanted to do a series of blog posts about our fabulous suppliers for a while.  But I kept thinking - how do I make it different?  I don't want to just copy their "About Us" page and call it a blog. 

So welcome - to the first of our series of PLAY DATES!! 



A play date with Lucas loves cars


It makes sense that we have our first Playdate with Lucas. He started this whole thing off and we mention him every time we talk. 


Some Background:

When Lucas turned 1 he was given a toy truck and a set of books about vehicles. You know the ones where it's a picture and a word (a little like the Chunky books).  We still have them,  even though they are chewed on all the corners I can't throw them away because they hold so many memories!

From the moment Lucas discovered toy cars he has loved them.  When I couldn't find toys that had wheels AND would last a toddler more than the afternoon I created this little online biz.  Lucas loves cars.  He did then and he does now too. 


Play date with Lucas loves cars

I'm saying ROOAARRR!  This gorgeous photo was taken by the super talented Jade Wisely at Inside Number 25.  Two local gorgeous Mums that make me look good!   


Let's Play! 

So, we took the gorgeous photos of our play space and I created a list of questions I was planning to ask Lucas.  I thought I could ask him, fix it up and then type them in here.   BUT when Lucas heard the word interview he went straight for the video option.  (Kids today!  It's all Video video video!)

'Will you put it on YouTube Mum?' he asked.  Sounded like more fun for you guys than reading some Q and A session.  So we did the video.

Please note - This was completely unrehearsed and unprepared.  It was a Sunday afternoon (no makeup!)  and I thought, let's see how this goes. We did this one take and I love it.

I hope you do too.  It's us, it's real and it makes me laugh. 


Lucas is definitely the star of the show here.  The video is approx 3 mins long. 
My favourite bit is at 1:58 -  you mean something to eat? 



So yes Lucas, it's on YouTube - no I don't think this video will turn you into a YouTube legend or that it will go viral, but with that cute smile who knows! 

Thanks for playing with us. 

- Helle.