Today is my birthday!  Yippee.

All week people have been asking me what I'm doing 'on the big day'.  Like it's some magical day, where the sun shines (in the middle of winter) and chocolate doesn't make you fat. It's your birthday so the rules do not apply!   - Update - The sun did actually shine!  It's a Danish saying that if there's good weather on your birthday then you have been good all year!  Yes I have! 

Well, I'm not doing much, actually,  I'm working for most of it.  It's not that I'm a party pooper or that I'm trying to ignore the advancing years. I love my fantastic 40+ years. It's just that although I think it's special the rest of the world keeps on going.  The kid goes off to school, my head mechanic has to go interstate, meetings get booked and for the rest of the world it's a normal Wednesday.

So I'm basically going along with the plan that it's a normal Wednesday.

Sounds depressing doesn't it?  It's not!  My day will start with a 6 yr old jumping into my bed early in the morning brimming with excitement and noise.  I will start to realise that this is my special day.  All day I will be answering phone calls from people wishing me a fantastic day, interrupting my planned workload.  There will be cake and candles, and then, at the end of the day, I will have pages of messages to read on facebook. 

So it wont actually be a normal Wednesday.

I have heard some companies give their employees their birthday off every year.  That would be nice wouldn't it.  If the meetings actually did stop and you could have a day off...for a little extra 'me time'.  What to do? Shopping, facial, binge watching TV? 

I just don't plan a big celebration for my birthday. I think it's because I like smaller better. I don't mind celebrating when it suits either,  having a lunch out with the girls on Friday - that can be my birthday lunch!  Sometimes I think I just can't be bothered organising my own party, I'm sure every Mum has had that thought before! 

Truth is that after I turned 21 I was never that sort of birthday girl.   I love being spoilt like anyone else, but somehow it's a bit more low key.   

My sister is the opposite. (Hi Blister - love ya)  She has as much fun planning the party as she has at the actual party.  It doesn't matter if it's for her kids or for herself, she loves the whole occasion of it.  Decorations, food, games...what to wear.  She will have it on a Wednesday night if that is the actual date....she will celebrate turning 42 with as much ceremony as her 40th. It's always a fabulous time because everyone gets swept up in her energy. 

Her kids are so lucky.  I have a standing agreement from her that she will be available for Lucas' birthday parties.  

 - Helle.


How do you celebrate your birthday?  Do you give yourself the day off work?  

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