Shower foam fun


We had so much fun with this activity. It was cheap, easy and definitely fun.

All you need is SHAVING CREAM,
food colouring 
a shower or bath.


We used approx 4 drops of colour into a  tennis ball amount of shaving cream.
Lucas helped me to mix it up.  We made orange and purple (sort of grey) colours by combining the colours we had. 

shaving cream painting

Grab your brushes if you want..


Lucas ended up loving the feel of it on his hands.


At the end of the play I asked Lucas if he could splash all the paint off, which left me with a nice clean shower.
There was no colour left on the shower, no colour left on skin and no colour left on towels. Just a clean boy who wanted to do it again.  
I loved looking at the painting happen on the shower, but you could also do this in the bath.  
(Be careful if you have painted walls though.)
We still have most of the can of shaving cream left, so next time he's not interested in jumping in the shower we might just do it again. ( that could be weekly!)
- Helle.