Aint no party like an ISO party!
Well 2020 has been a special year!
Quick recap. There is a virus that is very infectious and it has caused a huge shift in the way we live our lives. In Australia we are in Phase 3 - which means no parties, no cafes and no visitors.
We have new phrases like social distancing, self isolation, and now we are having ISO-Parties and Birthday Parades!
I'm hoping this blog wont be used for long, but while we are in this strange situation it is important we continue to give our kids a great birthday party.
So here's our guide to birthday parties during Isolation.
Birthdays are about the day being special. There are a few ways that this happens, from the birthday party, the cake, friends and the presents. Here's how you do that with no visitors.
Setting up the day.
You want your child to feel special, and make this day a special one, different to all the other days during isolation. The trick is to have activities and fun all day. With some help it wont be as hard as you think.
1 Planning
You can't pop to the shops at the moment, so you will need to plan early. Get your list out and let's get prepared.
You will need a few things, some you can buy, but why not make them?
Create colourful Happy Birthday posters. The kids can help!
Make a crown for the King or Queen of the day.
Order some decorations to dress up the place. Decorations and party food will help to create a fun atmosphere.
Let other people know what you are doing so that they can participate from afar. See how next.
2 Involve other people
Just because people can't come to the party doesn't mean that they can't join in the fun.
There is a new thing called the Birthday Parade. Have you heard of it? Friends and family drive past the house with balloons and posters - honking horns and calling out messages. Making as much noise and fun as possible.
Kids can draw on the footpath outside the house with chalk. Decorate the fence with streamers, balloons and get friends to make birthday posters. I'ts about colour and sharing the fun.
Live too far away to drop by?
Make a video. A great reminder for years to come of this birthday during this unique year. Have people send you their messages and play them during the day. Get everyone to sing a song, do a dance, dress up. Any fun thing to get people in the mood, and make it fun for the birthday boy or girl.
3 Imagination
Kids have great imaginations. Set up the birthday table with their toys and have a birthday party with these friends. Most kids will be happy doing this if it comes with Fairy Bread!
Play the party games and wear the party hats!
It doesn't matter how many people are at the party if you're having fun. Play pin the tail on the donkey and have two turns instead of one.
4 Gifts - of course!
Have presents delivered from your favourite store. Maybe Lucas loves cars? With gift wrapping options the kids can still enjoy being spoiled on their big day.
Spread out the gift giving during the day and then Facetime with the person who sent the gift to help make it into an event.
You could have the gifts 'delivered' on the day. One person in the family can ring the door bell and 'deliver' the gift. Every time the doorbell rings on your birthday it's something new!
5 Document it
If your kids are old enough, explain to them what is happening and we need to take photos and remember how fun and different this is!
Let them take photos or draw a picture of the day.
Start a tradition. Create a birthday 'about me' page.
We have created a free printable here:
Kids are flexible. A birthday can be special in many different ways. With a little bit of work you can make it one that they will remember for all the right reasons.
- Helle.
Helle owns Lucas loves cars. Working with toys since 2012, she has played with toys for a long time and is very picky about which toys make the list. Like a spoilt child, she will have a tantrum if the toy doesn't work and will play for hours if she finds it engaging and fun. Or until someone tells her it's time for lunch.